The Top 10 Benefits of a Gas Log Fireplace
Love the cozy look and feel of a wood-burning fireplace, but don’t want to bother with ash and smoke? Now is the perfect time to upgrade to a gas log fireplace.
A gas log fireplace is the ideal wood-burning fireplace replacement. It offers the same aesthetic and cozy feel of a wood-burning fireplace without fuss and worries.
Just because our ancestors had traditional fireplaces in their homes doesn’t mean you have to endure the same work and hassle just to heat your home. Consider these 10 top gas log fireplace benefits when considering a gas fireplace for your home!
Gas Log Fireplace V.S. Wood Burning Fireplace
If you’ve ever had a fireplace that uses wood for fuel, you know how much work truly goes into trying to heat your home consistently. And all the hard work starts before it ever even gets cold!
Wood-burning fireplaces use a ton of wood. While you can avoid the work of collecting, cutting, and piling it all yourself, it can be incredibly costly to pay for enough pre-cut wood to last you the winter.
If you end up doing it yourself, hours upon hours go into it. And it is all done in the heat of the summer. Wood needs to be seasoned before burning, so cutting it early enough that it has time to dry out and be properly stored is important.
As you can easily see, while wood-burning fireplaces have tradition on their side, gas log fireplaces are quickly becoming today’s top choice due to their simplicity and efficiency. From on-trend design to environmental sustainability, the benefits of gas logs far outweigh those of traditional wood. Schedule your gas log display installation today and start enjoying a better fireplace.
Benefits of A Gas Log Fireplace Display
If you’re leaning away from a typical wood-burning fireplace, it is easy to see why. While we’ve covered the main reasons traditional fireplaces are a turn-off, it is time to showcase how gas log fireplaces are the future. Once you read these top 10 benefits, you’ll never want to go back to hauling wood again!
1 . Do Gas Log Display Fireplaces Require Less Maintenance?
Gas fireplaces don’t produce ash and debris like wood-burning fireplaces. It’s easy to clean your gas log fireplace with a broom, vacuum, and your favorite surface cleaner. Even white vinegar will work if you love the natural approach!
While gas log fireplaces do require less routine upkeep, it doesn’t mean neglecting them. Just remember to have your gas fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned regularly by a certified chimney sweep professional
2. Are Gas Log Display Fireplaces Easier to Operate?
Starting a wood fire is a lot of work. You have to set up the kindling just right, get it to catch, and keep adding and moving the wood until it finally starts to blaze. With a gas fireplace, simply flip a switch or press a button to get your warm fire crackling.
3. Gas Log Fireplaces Provide Continuous Heat
Traditional fireplaces are often associated as a heat source but they can end up doing the exact opposite. While a warm fire can be built in them, they also create a constant opening that lets your home’s heat escape.
Plus, wood-burning fireplaces inevitably fade as the fuel burns low. If you want it to keep burning, you have to keep adding logs and the heat often doesn’t travel far from the hearth.
A major benefit of a gas fireplace is that it burns consistently. By drawing power from an established gas line, it allows both you and your home to stay warmer.
4. Choose a Sustainable Fireplace Design
A gas fireplace emits less carbon dioxide (CO2) and uses less energy than a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Pro-tip, if you search for “gas fireplace logs near me,” you’ll save on shipping emissions too!
Being energy efficient isn’t just the right thing to do for the planet, it also is more cost-effective. Besides hacking down more trees than necessary, and likely paying for the wood, traditional fireplaces can run up your heat bill. This is because a traditional fireplace pulls in cold air as it produces hot air. The result is higher heating costs for electricity or more wood burning.
5. Do Gas or Wood Fireplaces Provide More Warmth?
Do you ever move away from your wood-burning fireplace and immediately feel chilled? That’s because regular fireplaces vent out heat as much as they produce it. Hot air is sucked out of your home as cold air is pulled in. Dang it, science!
Valley Chimney can install a gas fireplace with a built-in blower that circulates the warmth through your entire living area, allowing comfort beyond a 3-foot radius of your hearth.
6. Choose a Gas Log Fireplace With an On-Trend Style
Gas log fireplace displays are trending among interior designers and homeowners. From sleek frameless fireplaces to traditional mantle or wood stove styles, there are countless options to suit the aesthetic while adding to the cozy ambiance of a roaring fire. Not only will this make your home more appealing, but it could also increase the resale value.
Our recent blog covers the top fireplace designs. Take a look to gain inspiration on how you will want to style your gas log fireplace display!
7. Less Wood, More Time and Money
That’s right. Wood may become paper, but this isn’t the kind you want to burn! With more efficient heating and fewer chores, a gas log fireplace display allows you to be able to save time and money.
8. No Heavy Lifting
Don’t want to deal with the hassle of creating an enormous wood pile? Ready to be done going outside in below-freezing temps to collect wood on a cold night? With a gas log fireplace display, you get the same effect without all the heavy lifting, allowing an efficient heat source in your home that doesn’t require you to be in peak physical shape to keep up with such harsh demands.
9. Safety and Convenience for Newer Homes
Gas log fireplaces are popular for owners of new homes. They install easily in any room and their sleek, modern look works well with any design. A pre-existing gas line is all that is needed.
Plus, with a higher safety profile, you can enjoy your gas fireplace display without worrying about smoke damage or flying sparks. Family members and guests will appreciate the extra safety too!
10. Avoid Creosote Build-Up
Creosote is a dangerous substance that builds up on the walls of wood fireplaces. It forms when smoke, water, and other fire byproducts combine, leaving residue on the chimney. Too much creosote can cause a chimney fire but with a gas log fireplace display, you never have to worry about it again.
It’s time you got to enjoy your fire instead of working more for it. Gas log fireplaces offer a great option for any home by decreasing the mental and physical stress of a wood-burning fire without sacrificing your heat, time, and funds.
Valley Chimney Offers Professional Gas Log Fireplace Services
From gas log display installation to routine gas log fireplace maintenance, we can handle it. Valley Chimney’s experienced chimney sweeps are up-to-date with how to handle and care for the latest heat sources.
Some of the gas log fireplace services we provide include:
- Gas Log Fireplace Display Installation for Vented Fireplaces
- Glass Door Installation
- Professional Gas Log Fireplace Display Cleaning
- Various Chimney Cleaning, Repair, Replacement, and Masonry Services
As we stated earlier, gas log fireplaces may require less maintenance, but they shouldn’t go without! Whether for a gas log fireplace, wood stove, or traditional fireplace, Valley Chimney does it all. See our full list of services to check out all the ways we can help your home’s heat source.
Once Installed, Can I Replace The Gas Log Display In My Fireplace?
Yes, in fact, we even recommend it! While fireplace gas log displays are more efficient, they do wear out over time.
Gas log displays are typically made from ceramic material. This allows them to withstand intense temperatures but the high heat will cause the color to eventually fade and weaken the structural material.
The good news is only the artificial display logs need to be replaced, not your entire gas fireplace setup. Swapping out just the display logs can give your fireplace an easy update that also helps it perform better for your home!
What Are The Best Gas Fireplace Display Logs?
While we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service, that standard also continues when it comes to our products. When it comes to replacing your gas fireplace display logs, we want our customers to have the highest quality materials on the market.
This is why Valley Chimney offers top-quality Rasmussen gas logs. Valley Chimney can put these realistic display logs in place of your existing wood fireplace, making a cleaner-burning system that looks and operates like a traditional fireplace.
Quality display logs ensure your gas fireplace logs will last longer and your gas fireplace will look and function better. Our full range of fireplace products helps the longevity of gas log fireplaces and more!
The Best Gas Log Fireplace Display and Repair In Chicago
The days of splinters, cleaning up ash, and stacking wood are over. Gas log fireplaces are here, and are the future when it comes to alternative ways of heating your home.
While gas log fireplaces offer efficient heating and cost savings for your real estate, they only do some when properly installed and routinely maintained. Not only can Valley Chimney help with gas log fireplace installation and service, but we offer the best gas log fireplace products on the market to keep your gas log display glowing.
We may have listed the top 10, but the real benefits of gas log fireplaces are endless. Contact Valley Chimney Sweep and Restoration today to see how we can get your fireplace updated today!
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