(630) 553-5995

What To Expect When a Professional Chimney Sweep Cleans Your Fireplace

Valley Chimney vehicle serving Naperville areaWhen one of our certified sweeps arrives, he/she will tarp the work area and assist you in moving items out of the area.

The chimney will then be evaluated for its condition and if a cleaning is in order. A special dust collection vacuum will run during the cleaning process.

The damper will be removed if possible and the flue cleaned from the roof or from the appliance opening.

If the unit is a fireplace, the smoke shelf and smoke chamber will be cleaned.

The firebox is cleaned by hand, all debris is removed and the damper is re-installed.

There is a possibility that a tar or glazed creosote will be present in the chimney, and this cannot be removed by a regular cleaning.

There are several ways in which glazed creosote can be removed and we will inform you of the options and quote you a price if this type of creosote removal is needed.

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