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18 Gorgeous Holiday Mantel Ideas

Decorating the house for the holidays is a longstanding tradition. One of the most common things to decorate this time of year is the mantel and fireplace. Whether your family goes all out decorating the mantel with garland, pinecones, and lights, or prefers to go a more simplistic route, we can all admire gorgeous holiday decorations when we see them.

To get in the spirit of the holidays, we thought we’d share some of our favorite holiday mantel decorations with you – courtesy of Pinterest.

christmas mantel decorationsholiday mantel decorationschristmas-mantel-055christmas-mantel-0532781811 912413Christmas-Mantel-Decorating-Ideas-51-1-Kindesignmantel decorations2355718e1ab7a650ada773b1bc61d8cfbb440108630defe611414ccc256b17e0 265eb2cdcd40225e3f7991a9bccd512achristmas decorationschristmas-mantel-017christmas-mantel-007872e95947a3816b361685e209de4a529Christmas-Mantel-Decorating-Ideas-57-1-Kindesign

If the photos above have inspired you to do some holiday decorating of your own, be sure to keep the following safety tips in mind.

  • Don’t cover your fireguard with decorations
  • Be sure to remove all decorations that may be flammable before lighting a fire in your fireplace
  • Try to use only decorations that are synthetic and flame-retardant

If it has been a while since your chimney has been cleaned or inspected, contact Valley Chimney today to schedule an appointment. Our certified chimney sweeps will be sure to thoroughly inspect your chimney to ensure the safety of your home and family this winter.


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