(630) 553-5995

Help! My Chimney Is Allowing Water to Leak into My Home

Chimneysaver water repellant

One frequent call we receive as chimney repair specialists is for water leaking in and around the chimney. The causes of a leaking chimney can range from the simple to the complex, and in general most or all leaks are caused by one of the following:

Missing chimney cover

While not very common, we have run into instances in which homeowners are receiving major amounts of water in their fireplace during a rain storm simply because of a missing cover. It is possible for chimney covers to come loose and blow off during storms, or for persistent creatures to find a way to tear them away. Installing a chimney cover is a relatively simple fix and something a CSIA certified chimney sweep like Valley Chimney can take care of fairly quickly.

Insufficient or failing chimney flashing

Flashing is the protection that is used to seal your chimney from the outside, where the roof line meets the chimney. Generally speaking, flashing should be replaced every time a new roof is installed on your home. Improperly installed or sealed flashing will cause moisture to easily enter your home through the gap between the roof and the chimney. If it’s not time for a new roof quite yet, but your flashing appears to be coming away from the chimney, this could be the source of a serious leak, and it should be addressed immediately.

Leaking chimney bricks

The bricks and mortar that were used to construct your chimney are not impervious to moisture. Constant freezing and thawing makes the bricks even more prone to leakage over time. We can perform a moisture test on your chimney bricks to determine if they are holding too much water and it seeping out. If so, it may be time to reseal your chimney with a waterproofer. We have tried a number of products over the years and find that ChimneySaver™ works the best.

Cracked chimney crown

A chimney crown is the masonry top of your chimney. Like the bricks of your chimney, it too can retain moisture and become damaged through the freeze and thaw of harsh winters. Crowns with even the smallest of cracks can allow moisture into the chimney. A Certified Chimney Sweep should be able to spot moisture entry points on the crown fairly easily and either offer a repair or replacement solution.

If you’re noticing leaking in and around your chimney, call Valley Chimney Sweep & Restoration today. We hold the title of the longest Certified Chimney Sweep® in the nation, and we have been servicing Chicago area chimneys since 1978. Contact us today to fix your leaking chimney or call (630) 553-5995.

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