Before Lighting a Fire, Read These Top 10 Fireplace and Chimney Safety Tips
As we head into yet another deep Midwestern freeze, many of us turn to our fireplace or wood-burning stove for either a primary or secondary source of warmth in our homes. It’s no wonder, fireplaces can be a very economical way to heat the home. And who doesn’t love to relax next to a cozy fire on a cold and windy night? However, lighting a fire in your home comes with a certain amount of risk, and that’s why it’s essential to take special care when using your fireplace.
With that in mind, we thought now would be a great time to remind homeowners of these top 10 fireplace and chimney safety tips. Some of these may seem obvious, but we regularly see some of these basic safeguards ignored.
- Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and maintained by a certified chimney sweep before starting your first fire of the season.
- Clear your hearth of any debris, clutter, or decorations before starting a fire.
- Use only dry, seasoned wood. Never attempt to burn trash or large pieces of cardboard in your fireplace.
- Make sure to check the area of your chimney around your roofline to make sure there are no holes or cracks where sparks or embers can escape.
- Install a carbon monoxide detector nearby, and have a working smoke detector on every level of your home.
- Always use a fireguard in front of your fireplace to protect against sparks and hot embers that may pop out into the room.
- Never go to bed before ensuring all hot embers are properly extinguished. Simply pour water over your fire to extinguish completely.
- Never scoop out hot ashes from a fireplace.
- If your fireplace doesn’t have an ash pit connected to the hearth, keep ashes in a metal container at least 10 feet from the home.
- Always ensure your fireplace or stove receives sufficient air to allow proper burning.
Before lighting that first fire this year, make sure to call in a certified chimney sweep to also inspect the structural aspects of your fireplace and chimney. Valley Chimney Sweep & Restoration is the longest continuously certified sweep in the nation, and we serve a large portion of Chicago’s suburbs. Contact us today!
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